spin configure

Configure various aspects of your project's deployment settings and infrastructure.


Usage for "spin configure"

spin configure <command> [options]


GitHub Actions (gha)

Configure GitHub Actions settings for deploying your application to a specific environment.

Configure GitHub Actions for an environment

spin configure gha <environment>

What this command does

When configuring GitHub Actions, this command:

  1. Validates your project setup and GitHub repository connection
  2. Creates or uses an existing deployment SSH key
  3. Base64 encodes your environment file
  4. Sets up required GitHub Actions secrets
  5. Configures server access for deployments


Configure GitHub Actions for production

spin configure gha production


Before running spin configure gha, ensure you:

  • Have a GitHub repository set up (git init and connected to GitHub)
  • Are authenticated with GitHub CLI (spin gh auth login)
  • Have an environment file (e.g., .env.production for production)
  • Have your server provisioned with spin provision

Environment Files

The command expects an environment file matching your target environment:

  • Production: .env.production
  • Staging: .env.staging
  • etc.

GitHub Actions Secrets

The following environment variables are set as secrets in GitHub Actions.

VariableDescriptionExample ValueRequired
<ENVIRONMENT>_ENV_FILE_BASE64The base64 encoded .env file.ABCDEFG1234...⚠️ Yes
<ENVIRONMENT>_SSH_REMOTE_HOSTNAMEThe hostname/IP of your server.server01.example.com⚠️ Yes
SSH_DEPLOY_PRIVATE_KEYThe private SSH key dedicated for the deploy user.-----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----abc123...⚠️ Yes
SSH_REMOTE_KNOWN_HOSTSIf provided, the SSH connection will validate the connection against your known_hosts file and remove the "SSH_KNOWN_HOST" warning. (Learn more)github.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQC...no
AUTHORIZED_KEYSMakes an authorized_keys file containing the public keys of "sudo" users that can be used for authenticating other services via SSH (like database GUI connections).ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABgQC...no

To view these environment variables in GitHub Actions, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to your GitHub repository.
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on Secrets and variables → Actions.`

Adding a new secret to GitHub Actions

Special Notes

  • The command will create a new deployment key (under .infrastructure/conf/ci) if one doesn't exist
  • The command will connect to your server and set the newly created deployment key as an authorized key for the docker/deploy user on your server
  • All secrets are securely stored in your GitHub repository
  • The command validates your setup before making any changes